Lestercast Directors Chris and Malcolm

Directors’ Casting Cut – May/June 2015

Category: News

May/June 2015 

Welcome to our new Blog feature! Our Directors Malcolm Healey and Chris Batty will, each month, share their perspectives on how Lestercast continues to thrive as a dynamic and entrepreneurial company.

This month Malcolm will be sharing his insights:-

Company of the Year Award – presented to Lestercast at the end of April, “I’m just so proud to have accepted this award, alongside the team. The repercussions in terms of business growth and publicity can only have a beneficial impact, absolutely brilliant!”

Martyn Whelpton came on board as our new Technical Manager. He has fitted in well with the entire team and taken on a wealth of new projects to move the company forward.

In terms of ongoing research and development and our continuous overall company upgrades, in the next few months with the assistance of relevant grants, we intend to:-

  • Install an automated modular stacking lift and storage system.
  • Alter the in-house shelling system to be more environmentally friendly in line with the ISO 14001 accreditation so it is a water-based system.
  • Implement a new robotic system in two areas of our processes.

We’re consistently achieving and can confirm that sales are up a £1/4 million against our predicted budget for this period.

Lastly, myself and Chris have recently returned from a successful trip to China having made our annual visit to maintain a harmonious relationship with our partnership foundry out there. In business, especially in China, it is frowned upon not to indulge in a little golf as a mark of respect amongst business partners, this, coupled with a few meals out which may or may not have resulted in dressing up in traditional Mongolian attire were also par for the course!

“I’d like to thank you for reading the blog and round up with a simple phrase we use a lot here at Lestercast – Make Money, Have fun!”


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