Dennis Hewitt Apprentice Lestercast

Apprenticeship Programme at Lestercast

Category: investment casting, News

With it recently being ‘National Apprenticeship Week’, we’d like to celebrate Lestercast’s own apprentice, Dennis Hewitt who has been with us since September last year.

Dennis with Martyn Whelpton of Lestercast and Trevor Codner, BDM of University of Wolverhampton

Having started his three-year
journey with the business, Dennis is working with us to achieve an
industry-recognised qualification whilst receiving specialized on-the-job

An apprenticeship is a genuine
job combined with a structured progamme that amalgamates practical experience
and classroom-based educational training; an ideal position for a school leaver
looking to start their career, for example.

Having already undertaken a few months
with us, Dennis started work as a trainee within our Wax Room, Shelling and
Inspection departments. This, coupled with a week’s classroom-based training
each month, for the entirety of his apprenticeship, will give him a solid
grounding into our business and the beginning of his career with Lestercast.

The training is being delivered via the ‘new’ ECMS (Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills) based in Tipton which is a dedicated college facility catering for the needs of training young foundry apprentices..


Dennis said of his apprenticeship programme:-


“I am really enjoying my experience as an apprentice. So far I have learnt skills through both my studies and my time in the job itself which I will carry with me through my career.”

Under the supervision of Martyn Whelpton, Technical and Operations Manager – he said:-


“Planning for succession in any business is imperative to ensure skills and knowledge is transferred from an existing workforce to a younger generation; employing Dennis as an apprentice allows for new ideas and techniques to be introduced alongside existing practices.

Whilst attending the ECMS, Dennis
will have the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of various casting
processes, including the Investment/Lost Wax process as well as expanding his
knowledge in more detail over the duration of the course. Dennis’s practical knowledge
will be achieved by working within the various departments here at Lestercast whilst
gaining experience alongside our existing skilled operatives.

We hope for Dennis to become a
competent and key member of the team following completion of both his academic
and practical training as well as his on the job training here at Lestercast.

We are delighted to have Dennis join
the team here at Lestercast and wish him every success during his training and
working alongside our existing employees; Dennis’s future within the
organization couldn’t be in better hands.

For further information on apprenticeships, please follow the link:-




What qualification does the apprenticeship programme enable Dennis to achieve?


Technician Pathway 1 – Casting Foundry & Patternmaking Level 3


Leading to; EAL Level 3 Diploma in Casting Foundry & Patternmaking (Development Knowledge)


EAL Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering in Casting Foundry and Patternmaking (Competence)