Storage System
Storage System installation

Why Our Storage Systems Are Working Out Just the Way We Planned

Category: News

We have taken delivery of a computerised modular vertical lift system for storage of stock in the past few weeks at the Lestercast premises.

The machine has been purpose built for our requirements and the facilities on site modified to accommodate such a large piece of equipment.

Together with a whole host of refurbishment, equipment upgrades and installations within the Lestercast facility, this is one we are extremely delighted to be promoting to our customers.

The machine, a Couzens Modular Vertical Lift – ML75, will be in daily use and can electronically log, store and hold stock on site in addition to alleviating the need for further vertical storage due to the sheer capacity this item is capable of holding.

Linking directly into our specialised foundry production control system, the inspection team will be able to efficiently control stock levels and will be an integral part of our systems here at Lestercast.

We have documented the installation and manipulation of our facilities to accommodate the machine here.

Craig Townsend, The Production Manager commented:

“To have this piece of equipment on site will take the strain off any storage issues we may have experienced in the past in a very high-tech manner, further developing our stock control systems will be a benefit to all involved in our business.”

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