Tri Tech 3D Case Study Aug 2018 - Lestercast Investment Casting Services

Tri-Tech 3D recently visited our premises here in Leicester to explore our extensive development into Additive Manufacturing.

Lestercast invested in additive manufacturing solutions with Tri-Tech 3D about five years ago to assist in our prototyping and production within our investment casting processes.

Put together by the team at Tri-Tech – the UK’s leading experts in 3D printing solutions, a write-up on our work here at Lestercast is now available on their the Tri-tech website.

Lestercast first explored the possibility of using 3D print technology as a viable method of producing low cost prototypes. When using traditional manufacturing processes to create prototypes, Lestercast originally encountered a number of drawbacks from having to retool the production line each time we created a new part, to resetting the assembly process. This made the prototyping life cycle drawn out and costly as well as making it difficult to create multiple design iterations.

Lestercast chose to purchase the Objet30 Pro; a powerful PolyJet 3D printing system which allows users to create high end prototypes and realistic models with specialised properties alongside a number of other uses. When asked why they chose to invest in Stratasys technology and it has been a very worthwhile investment.

Please read the full article for more information – click here or to contact us with any questions or queries.

Tri Tech 3D Case Study Aug 2018 e1642591100121 - Lestercast Investment Casting Services

Tri-Tech 3D Visit Lestercast to Explore Our Additive Manufacturing Processes

Category: News

Tri-Tech 3D recently visited our premises here in Leicester to explore our extensive development into Additive Manufacturing.

Lestercast invested in additive manufacturing solutions with Tri-Tech 3D about five years ago to assist in our prototyping and production within our investment casting processes.

Put together by the team at Tri-Tech – the UK’s leading experts in 3D printing solutions, a write-up on our work here at Lestercast is now available on their the Tri-tech website.

Lestercast first explored the possibility of using 3D print technology as a viable method of producing low cost prototypes. When using traditional manufacturing processes to create prototypes, Lestercast originally encountered a number of drawbacks from having to retool the production line each time we created a new part, to resetting the assembly process. This made the prototyping life cycle drawn out and costly as well as making it difficult to create multiple design iterations.

Lestercast chose to purchase the Objet30 Pro; a powerful PolyJet 3D printing system which allows users to create high end prototypes and realistic models with specialised properties alongside a number of other uses. When asked why they chose to invest in Stratasys technology and it has been a very worthwhile investment.

Please read the full article for more information – click here or to contact us with any questions or queries.