Unveiling of the name
Cutting the ribbon web - Lestercast Investment Casting Services

New Vertical Storage System

Category: New Equipment

Yesterday, Lestercast unveiled a brand new vertical storage system by Modula, which is situated in our wax room. We have named the new system ‘Hema’ after our dear friend and recent colleague Hema Chauhan, who retired at Christmas after 40 years loyal service to Lestercast.

The Modula system is the second vertical storage lift Lestercast have purchased.  The other system is situated in our warehouse and has been in use for many years, being an extremely valuable piece of equipment.

Created to make the most of available vertical space and save floor space at the same time, this storage system allows us to store customer tooling, and components in a clean, tidy, safe and convenient way, avoiding damage to customer goods and improving process efficiency.

Managers & Hema