Wayne Fairhurst and Mina Parmar are both celebrating their long service anniversaries this week. So, they were taken out for a spot of lunch by the directors (Chris Batty & Malc Healey) and managers, Colin Caine and Craig Townsend. At the lunch they were presented with a long service certificate, gift vouchers, Champagne & chocolates, to show appreciation of their hard work and dedication to Lestercast.
Wayne Fairhurst – Cut-off, Fettling and Foundry Operative
Wayne has now been with Lestercast for 30 years. Wayne joined Lestercast back in 1994, on recommendation from a former colleague. At the time, he was working in the Fettling department in a local engineering company. Wayne first started in the Fettling room. His previous experience was extremely beneficial and he was guided by his supervisor Mickey Gahir. Four years later, Wayne moved to the Cut-off room, where he remained for most of the time. Three years ago he was trained in the foundry, and started working in the department when we needed extra cover from employee sickness or annual leave.
Wayne has great experience in these departments and is a reliable and valued member of the team, who is always willing to help.
Mina Parmar – Wax Room Team Leader
Mina Parmar is celebrating 20 years working in the Wax Room. Mina joined us, on recommendation from her husband, Dilip (who works in our Shelling department). Mina is the most experienced person we have in our wax room, being promoted to team leader in December. Mina overseas the day to day running of the wax room, whilst working with the wax injection machines. Mina is a dedicated, reliable part of the Lestercast team.
We hope you both enjoyed your celebratory lunch!
Thank you for all your hard work.