Ben & Craig
Ben & Mouse
Ben Shelling Team - Lestercast Investment Casting Services

Ben Returns to University

Category: Staff News

As Ben Montgomerie concludes his time with us today, we want to extend our best wishes as he continues into his third year of pursuing a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Leeds University.


During his 9-week summer break, Ben joined us with the goal of gaining comprehensive, hands-on experience across every department in our manufacturing facility. His journey began in the wax room, where he spent a couple of weeks under the guidance of Team Leader Mina Parmar, learning how wax patterns are created and mastering the intricate process of attaching patterns to the ‘trees.’

Next, Ben moved on to the shelling department, working with the team under Joe Boyall’s supervision. Here, he gained insights into the ceramic coating and drying processes, followed by a brief stint in the foundry, where he was supervised by Team Leader Stewart Lee, enduring the intense heat of the environment. Ben then advanced to the fettling department, where Mickey Gahir introduced him to the tasks of ingating and linishing.

In August, Ben transitioned to the inspection department, working under Team Leader John Gask to learn about Lestercast’s inspection procedures. He then spent considerable time in Metrology with Mangit Gill, affectionately known as ‘Mouse,’ where he received training on the CMM, becoming proficient with the software and performing calibration and testing. Ben also had the opportunity to work with the 3D printer and various CAD packages used in the department.

Ben also spent time with Dennis Hewit, our Methods Engineer, who introduced him to MAGMASOFT®. This investment casting simulation software is used at Lestercast as a virtual prototyping tool to eliminate the need for physical casting trials.


Looking back on his experience, Ben said, “My time at Lestercast has been truly enjoyable. Everyone made me feel welcome and a real part of the team. The experience and knowledge I’ve gained here are incredible. I’d like to extend a special thanks to Craig Townsend (Production Manager) and Colin Caine (General Manager) for making sure my time here was both rewarding and valuable, and of course, to Mouse, who generously shared his knowledge and expertise with me.”