‘Lestercast has always been very attentive to any request sent’.
‘I have always received a great service from Lestercast, be it products, quality or service.’
‘Lestercast’s communication has always been excellent.’
‘Lestercast continues to be one of our most reliable suppliers’.
‘As a long standing customer of Lestercast, I always receive a first class service from a responsive and highly experienced team.’
‘Always a fast service.’
‘Lestercast are so easy to deal with, we have a great relationship, the communication channels are excellent. There is always somebody there to deal with our enquiries with a quick and efficient answer.
Lestercast offer a stockholding facility which is a massive help to have the stock available at a moment notice, this enables us to hold minimum stock levels. Overall a pleasure to work with.’
Annual Sales Meeting Day at Helidon Lakes
Lestercast would like to thank our customers….
On Friday, the Lestercast sales & marketing team, managers, UK & European BDM’s and director Malc Healey, headed off to Helidon Lakes Hotel for our off-site annual sales meeting.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the years sales, production, quality, and technical achievements. We also discuss the progress of any new technology we have implemented across the site within the last year.
The customer feedback gathered from the customer satisfaction survey (sent out a few months prior to the meeting, covering the last 12 months) is analysed in depth. Reviewing the data allows us to improve our services for customers and highlight any issues that may have arisen during the year.
We would just like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to every customer that returned a customer satisfaction survey. We were very pleased to receive such lovely comments again this year – here are a selection we thought we’d share;
The golfers in the team, went on to play 18 holes, on the Helidon Lakes Golf course, whilst the non-golfers had a couple of games of ten pin bowling. Partners and the rest of the Lestercast team followed in the evening for a fantastic meal. Photo below of some of the team with their partners in the bar.